As hard as it is to believe, Will and I have been married for one month as of yesterday! It has been completely wonderful- but really the time has gone by so quickly! Time always goes by so quickly when we are together- but it's making us realize that before we know it we will have been married for 10 years! I don't want time to zoom by too quickly- so we have decided we are seriously going to start documenting more of what we do. I think one reason time has zoomed by lately is that we have been SuPeR busy with work lately- Not only are we so busy during the day, but almost every weekend since we got married we have been working also! Then when we get home at the end of the day we are so tired- we manage to make dinner, try to exercise, and then it's already bedtime. So, all of that is changing. This is such an exciting time in our lives- the honeymoon phase, as some call it- I want to look back at old pictures and remember all the changes that took place.
So, we have set a few goals for ourselves. We are always trying to find new ways to learn from our surroundings and push ourselves to become better people. We tend to have different ways to accomplish this goal, but some of the upcoming changes are.....

- I am going to try to start a "garden". Well, it will be a pseudo garden. I love being able to do outdoor work, but living in an apartment doesn't really lend itself to yard work. There is a little green space next to our back door that is currently overgrown with weeds and rocks- but little does my landlord know- I have plans for it! There is a fence on one side of the greenspace and I plan on planting morning glories to grow along the fence. Now I just need to borrow some gardening tools to cut down all the weeds that are currently taking up that space. I don't know if I'll do much more than that, but even that little bit will help with my mental health. I like having an outlet to get my hands dirty- literally!
(Here is a picture of some flowers I planted a few weeks ago- and one of our sweet kitties!)
- Will has been doing a lot of research lately into camping/ camping gear. We both grew up camping and so both have a passion for it. Our ultimate trip is to go to Denali next summer, but for now we are planning trips around here. So whereas I am taking up gardening as a hobby, Will is delving more into the outdoor world of camping/hiking/ backpacking.
- Lastly, something we are trying to do together is to become more fit. This will ultimately benefit both of us in our respective hobbies, but really we just want to get more in shape. It's great because this is something we can do together, and we both are able to push each other to run just a little bit we are a little slow at jumping right on the exercise train....we celebrated our anniversary by making/ eating chocolate chip cookies. (FYI, we both woke up this morning swearing that we would exercise this evening to work off the cookies...we'll see..... :) haha! )
We are planning a camping trip this weekend! This will be a great time to really document the beginning of our camping endeavors!
(This is actually a pic from our second trip, but who cares :) )
LOVE YOUR Blog! LOVE the wallpaper, whimsical, the garden! Chocolate is always an excellent way to celebrate LOVE!
mama and papa