
Catch Up

At the beginning of August, Will started Medical School. We were very prepared for a difficult ride- and were pleasantly surprised when at first it wasn't really that bad. We still were able to find time to hang out and catch up, as well as finding enough time to study and feel good about school. Well, the past few weeks have become more difficult. His schedule has been more hectic, which translates to less time together, at home, or studying. The stress level has increased and we are both feeling it. Thankfully he now has an off weekend- meaning he doesn't have any major tests next week so we will get a breather. For this, I am thankful.

We both feel like we are on the right track right now, but the time commitment is still daunting at times. He's got a little more than 3 1/2 years of school, then roughly a 5 year residency, then more if he decides on a fellowship etc. We know it will be worth it, but still, that's a lot time, ya know?

Our mantra right now is One Day At A Time. We've been told the first year is the most difficult, and I feel that is mostly because of the adjustment period from undergrad. It's a lot of changes all at once, and the expectations are so high and there is very little 'me' time. Will is doing very, very well with all the changes- but there's only so much one person can do.

For all of these reasons, I am so glad that we decided to go ahead and get married before school started. We dated for 5 1/2 years before we got married, and throughout that time our plans changed a lot. For a while we were thinking of tying the knot after both of our schooling, but now I'm confident that this journey would be so much more difficult without him being right there with me. We are so blessed.

I read a quote the other day that I felt really spoke to me-

Happy Wednesday.

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