....and it's been nearly forever since I've posted.
One day I will actually finish recounting our cross country trip, complete with pictures, but for now, updates of what we have been up to will suffice.
We have had several big milestones in the past few months-
First of all, Will started Medical School and got his White Coat!!
Pre- White Coat Ceremony! |
He is now on his way to getting his MD! |
He has done so well in school so far and I am so proud of him. He was even elected liaison of his class. This means that after any test, if someone has a problem with a question, he's the person they go to. Will will then decide if it is a legitimate claim, and then present it to the professor. This is turning out to be a great position for him because he is so good with words and being diplomatic. He is able to find ways to present the claim in such a way that it is valid, while not stepping on anyone's toes in the process.
Something I'm very happy about is that there is an active Medical Student Wives Auxiliary group at UMC. It is for any wives, fiances, girlfriends etc of medical students. It is primarily a support group and we have monthly meetings and get togethers. This was something I was really hoping that UMC had and I am just so happy to be apart of such a great group of girls that are involved!
On September 5th we celebrated our 6 year anniversary! We got married on April 9th, but the fifth has always held a special place in our heart. We began dating on September 5, 2005, and have celebrated the fifth every month since! We also celebrated our 6 month WEDDING anniversary on October 9th!
I think we just like to celebrate :)
To celebrate our wedding anniversary, we picked up some food for a picnic and went to the spot where we got engaged, Lakeshore Park.
It was perfect weather and it was so nice to take some time apart from studying and just reflect on our time together. Because we dated for so long before we got married, we spent a lot of time talking about "THE Day". Now that THE day has come and gone, and we are married, it's still hard to believe sometimes that it's all real!
A few weeks ago we went to the Mississippi State Fair. It was a lot of fun...apart from the bruises we got on the giant slide. It was am extra special time because exactly 6 years and one day earlier we went there for our first anniversary date. I know, I know. I'm very nostalgic. We rode the same rides we rode then and it was just so much fun. If someone had told us 6 years earlier that we would be in the same spot and married in just a few short years, I don't know if I would have believed them. Will, of course, said he always knew :)
Happy Friday!