
Merry (late) Christmas! Happy (late) New Year!

Hola Amigos!

It's 2012.

I feel like the older I get, the faster time goes by. What is happening?

Will and I were both looking forward to the end of 2011, but already 2012 has turned out to be another surprising year. The day after Christmas we moved about 3 blocks down from where our first apartment was. And of course, it was raining All. Day. We were drenched all day, but thankfully we had the help of both our families. We couldn't have done it without them mainly because we wouldn't have had trucks to transport stuff!! But being around family all day and having their help means the world to us.

I have pictures to post of our first tree :) It was (and continues to be) a year of firsts. We got our first tree, and at the end cut off a slice of the trunk to make into an ornament for next year. We made some ornaments of our own and had so much fun looking at it each day in our apartment. It just felt magical. It was a little piece of us. Next year we would like to keep our tree up for longer, but with the move we had to take it down right after Christmas.

We absolutely LOVE our new place. We are still renting, this time a duplex rather than an apartment. The neighborhood and street we are on is great! It is so quiet and quaint. The other night we were going on a walk around the neighborhood and saw two GIANT bunnies in someone's front yard! We couldn't figure out if they were someone's pets or just random bunnies. They were there for about a whole hour! Awesome! Our house is bigger and feels so much like home. It's cozy, but the perfect size for us right now. We are still in the process of hanging pictures, but once we are all moved in I will post some pictures.

We knew moving in that we would not have a washer/dryer for the first few weeks probably. (The old tenants had broken it and our landlord needed to replace it). We didn't know, however, that we wouldn't have a stove though! It was an OLD, OLD electric stove. Day one when we tried to turn it on- after 45 minutes- the burners still wouldn't warm up. The ironic thing is that when Will first saw the stove he started to plan a way to "make"it break so we could get a new one. Guess he didn't have to work too hard at that! So for the past two weeks we didn't have a stove. Well, that's all fine and dandy for a few days. Take out is great- it means I don't have to cook! But honestly, there's only SO much take out you can eat. You begin to get desperate to cook your own food after a few days! Luckily for us, we remembered that we had an electric skillet! Voila!So for the past two weeks we have been boiling water, cooking pasta, sauteing vegetables etc in the glorified electric skillet!

Never have I been so grateful to see a giant moving truck pull into my driveway than I was on Monday when the new stove arrived! And the best part was that we were able to switch to a gas stove! Cha-Ching! We got the new washer/dryer about a week ago, but until then we made a habit of randomly showing up at our parents houses carrying our laundry! They thought it was hilarious! Just another reason I am so happy to live close to family :)

Apart from a busy Christmas break, Will and I were able to fit in a  lot of time just to catch up. He had a THREE WEEK vacation from school!!!!! I was expecting a weekend...so 3 weeks was like Heaven! He went back to school Monday, a week after I started back teaching. It's been tough adjusting to his schedule again, but everything will work out. This summer is supposed to be more manageable than last semester, so our hopes are high!

At this point, I am waiting to hear from UMC about nursing school. I expect a letter sometime in March. If I am accepted then I will begin school in May, if I'm not accepted, then I plan on starting at a local community college in August. Either school would be excellent. The community colleges around here have outstanding nursing programs and are still very competitive. I can officially say that I will be starting nursing school sometime this year!

Pictures coming soon!

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