I think that title pretty much sums up this blog right now. Last week I got really into updating the blog and trying to give it 'the look' that accurately depicts the feeling we want to convey (....and I'm REALLY good at procrastinating....more on that later).
I spent several hours researching how to change the look of a blog, and how to add tabs. It would be really helpful right about now if I
had taken had paid attention in my Computer Science class last Fall. Whelp. Ya see, I don't exactly understand HTML code. I know, I know....It's not
that hard. I'll get it soon....but for now I'm on strike.
So this weekend was Halloween! And Will's 5 year High School Reunion! And the UMMC Student Body Halloween party! And my tour for the UMMC School of Nursing! And game night with my sister Rachael and her hubby! and Will's only 'free' and relaxing weekend in a long time! woohoo!
It was a fabulous weekend, but I must say, I am sad that it went by so quickly. Will and I had some great time together and it felt like we were a married couple again- rather than two people occupying the same space.
I say this in jest, seriously. Ever heard the phrase "
medical school widow"? I used to laugh when people said that (and cringe on the inside). This past month has given that statement some credibility. Will has been a great husband with what little time he has, but let me say that I am so glad that
Blacktober is over.
This too shall pass.
Why, hello there,
Movember. To raise awareness about Prostate Cancer, this month Will will be growing out his 'stache in support. We will be taking either daily or weekly pics to display in an effort to help raise funds for research. Did you know that Prostate Cancer affects 1 in 6 men? That's huge! My uncle was just diagnosed a few weeks ago and is now preparing to have the radical procedure of having his prostate removed. Let's get involved, ya'll.
In other news, I submitted my
Nursing School Application. I am very excited and very nervous. I applied for two programs- they only differ in the amount of time. The Accelerated BSN program is 15 months, and the Traditional BSN program is 2 years. Both would begin next May. These programs are very competitive- but I know in my heart that I am meant to be a nurse. My fingers are crossed and I am praying that I find out soon! I applied Early Decision which would let me know of an acceptance in December, and if I'm not accepted into the first round or decision, then my application will be put back into the general admission pile and I will know more definitively in March. Please say a prayer for me!
For Halloween Will and I were "Black Eyed Peas". NOT
The Black Eyed Peas. Just, Black Eyed peas. Pictures to come soon.
I'd love to know what your Halloween Costume was this year! Or was there a favorite one that you saw? Please leave me a comment and let me know!
Have a great week. Happy Movember.
P.S. You know those times when you feel absolutely certain that you have the best mom? Today is one of those days. I've been struggling the past few weeks with some personal stuff- mainly just normal life growing pains, and my mom went out of her way to get me a sweet happy- an electric wax melter scent diffuser thing-a-ma-bob from
Scentsy. Thanks, Mom. I love it.
Isn't it beautiful? I love the angels. I think I know where Christmas gifts are coming from this year! |